
Mastery for Service

この英文は、高等学部商科の学生が1915年に刊行した『商光』創刊号に、C.J.L.ベーツ高等学部長(後の第4代院長)による講演論説「OUR COLLEGE MOTTO“MASTERY FOR SERVICE”」として掲載された歴史的文書です。C.J.L.ベーツは、高等学部のモットーとして“Mastery for Service”を提唱しました。





私たちは、他人や境遇、あるいはみずからの情念に“縛られた人”(奴隷)になるつもりはありません。私たちがマスターになろうとする目的は、自分個人を富ますことでなく、社会に奉仕することにあります。私たちは、広い意味で人類に奉仕する人になることを目指しているのです。英国では、公職にある者が“国民への奉仕者 civil servants(公務員)”と呼ばれ、最高位の公職者が“国家のしもべ Ministers of State(国務大臣)”と呼ばれています。これは公職者の働きの本質をうまく表わした呼び名です。公職にある人の責務とは命令することでなく、仕えることなのです。要するに、人の偉大さはどれだけ社会に奉仕をおこなったかによって決まるのです。







Our College Motto “Mastery for Service”(原文)

Human nature has two sides, one individual and private, the other public and social. There is a life which each man must live alone, into which no one else can enter. That is his personal individual life. But a man’s life is more than that. It has another side, which it shares with other men. And it is our duty and privilege to keep before our minds these two sides of our nature. There is an ideal of life corresponding to each side. One is self-culture, the other, self-sacrifice. These ideals are not contradictory, however, but complementary. Neither is complete by itself, nor independent of the other. Self-culture pursued for its own sake produces selfishness. Self-sacrifice as the only rule of life leads to weakness. But self-culture as a basis for self-sacrifice is not only justifiable, but necessary. And self-sacrifice on such a basis is truly effective.

Now these two phases of our nature are implied in our college motto “Mastery for Service”. We do not desire to be weaklings. We aim to be strong, to be masters – masters of knowledge, masters of opportunity, masters of ourselves, our desires, our ambitions, our appetites, our possessions. We will not be slaves whether to others, to circumstances, or to our own passions. But the purpose of our mastery must be not our own individual enrichment, but social service. We aim to become servants of humanity in a large sense. In England the officials are called civil servants, and the highest officials Ministers of State. That implies a true conception of the nature of the work of an official. His duty is not to command, but to serve. In fact, a man is great only to the extent to which he renders service to society.

This then is our college ideal, to become strong, effective men, not weak incompetents; men who will be recognized as masters. But having become masters we desire not to inflate, and enrich ourselves for our own sake, but to render some useful service to humanity in order that the world may be better for our having lived in it.

Our ideal business man is neither a gambler nor a miser, but a man who succeeds because he is a master, a man who understands the fundamental principles of business, who knows what to do, and who by industry and honesty is able to succeed where other men might fail − a man whose object in life is not merely to increase his credit balance in the bank, but to use his financial power to improve the condition of society; − a man who has public spirit, and a keen sense of social duty. Such a man will be revered by his employees, and respected by his customers.

Our ideal of the scholar is not a kind of intellectual sponge that always takes in, but never gives out until it is squeezed; but it is a man who loves to acquire knowledge not for its own sake, much less for the sake of his own fame, but whose desire for knowledge is a desire to equip himself to render better service to humanity.

It is said that on the monument of a certain man there were cut the words “Born a man and died a carpenter. ” We desire no such fate. For such an end is failure. Nor would it be any greater success if it were written “Born a man and died a merchant” – or “a millionaire” – or “a politician.” To be a man, a master man and at the same time a true servant of humanity is our ideal.